
Showing posts from August, 2017

Blog 8 Assignment

On August 3, 2017, my classmate Lauren posted a blog over the death penalty . Lauren explains how the death penalty can be beneficial to our court systems and how it is actually a good thing to have, and I agree with her. The death penalty does not always sound like a good idea, but Lauren gives good arguments on how it is. Lauren first gives an example about the "1996 case when Damon Thibodeaux confesses to rape and murder and was sentenced to death." She then explains how later on the court looked over his case while in prison and was actually innocent and sent free. Dramatic cases like this one is more likely to be heard and further investigated. Not a lot of cases end with the death penalty, but when some do, the media and court are more likely to keep an interest with it. I believe Lauren is correct when saying "if Thibodeaux was sentenced to life in prison, his case would not have been looked into as intensively." The death penalty is a rare punishment, thi

Blog 7 Assignment

On August 2, 2017, the Opinion Page from Los Angeles Times posted an article "Does carrying a gun make you safer? No. In fact, right-to-carry laws increase violent crime" by Patt Morrison. This article explains that the right-to-carry law has made violence happen more frequently than before the law was passed. Morrison uses Texas as an example, he explains that in 1996 before the law was adopted, violent crimes were only at 6%, now throughout the years, the percentage has gone up 15% more. Morrison explains that having a gun makes people believe they are capable of doing anything with it. This could be why crime have gone up extremely high, not only in Texas, but all 50 states. I personally believe the right-to-carry law has its pros and cons. Having a gun does make people feel safe, but a lot of things could happen to make people feel more unsafe. Reasons for this law being a good thing, is because if a woman lived at home by herself, she would feel more protected to kno