Blog Stage Three Assignment

On July 20, 2017, The Opinion Page on New York Times posted an article called "Trump Is His Own Worst Enemy" by Charles M. Blow.  Blow makes different arguments on how President Donald Trump does not care enough for our country. He first explains that Trump never plans ahead before making his decisions. The Republicans and Donald Trump wanted to replace The Affordable Care Act without having any plans on how to do it. Some people were waiting for this to happen but since there was no effort in making this decision happen, they simply ignored it. When publishers would ask about it, Trump would constantly repeat himself about details that did not exist. I can agree with this statement because I have watched the news and have seen Trump repeat himself multiple times when he has nothing else to say. I don't know if it's because he is in the process of making decisions happen, or if he really does not know what to do. Another statement that Blow makes about our president Donald Trump is that he has a "habit of keeping company and confidence with the racially offensive". Blow talks about Putin using the N word when talking about our past President, Obama. Supposedly, Trump acted shocked when he heard about this but still respected Putin's favor. I agree with Charles Blow because Trump has been disrespectful to Obama before, and I believed he acted "shocked" just so he could get a good reaction out of it.  Also, Trump seemed to have forgotten about what Putin had said because he was heard speaking good things about Putin. Overall, I have to agree with publisher Charles M. Blow. He makes good arguments on how Donald Trump has no discipline, lack of seriousness, and has no filter for opinions. I believe his article is credible because he uses different examples from different publishers and different news articles. Also, I believe that Blow wanted to catch everyone's attention in this article. His audience should be anyone and everyone who lives in the United States because they should know and see how our President acts.


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