Blog Assignment 4

On July 21, 2017, the Opinions Page on Washington Post posted an article called "Attacks on American Muslims are un-American. Under Trump they're on the rise" by Khizr Khan. This article explains different situations dealing with Muslims and other minorities facing assault for their religion or race.

The article discusses how harassment has gotten worse since President Donald Trump took the chair. In a study, his first 10 days of being President caused 867 harassment incidents. Also, the number of anti-Muslim hate group rose from 34 in 2015, to 101 in 2016 with a 57 percent increase. Khan says in Virginia, where she lives, a Muslim teenager was killed last month while walking with friends. We have been set to believe that all Muslims are bad and we should do something about it, but there are innocent people trying to live their lives but can't because there is always someone causing trouble. Some minorities are scared to leave the house because of what they see on the news. This should not be a problem and we need learn to be more civil.

Khan explains that a lot of minorities get assaulted by the way they look, what religion they believe in, and where they were born. For example, an African American man was stabbed to death by an "alt-Reich" white-supremacist online group. In the article, the African American was walking down the street and he ends up getting stabbed because of his race. All minorities have this problem because a lot of people are stuck with the same mindset. The United States has had their fair share of terrorist attacks, but we cannot blame all Muslims and other minorities for these reasons, and I agree with Khan. The word "Islam" scares our country, but not all people from Islam are what we believe. Since Donald Trump does not put a positive word for any minority, our country does not either.

Overall, I agree with Khizr Khan. Khan has valid points on how our country treats minorities and it is not fair. On the news, newspapers, and social media, they all have the same stories on discrimination, but nothing is done about it. I also agree that since Donald Trump has been our president, discrimination has gotten worse. I believe the audience Khan is trying to pull is everyone. I believe everyone should read this article and see how minorities are being treated, and yet our President has yet to do anything. Our country needs to be more at peace with everyone who lives in it, and minorities should not be scared to live their lives.


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