Blog Assignment 5

Today, our generation has a tremendous amount of young mothers and fathers who have low income. The percentage of children who have young parents are sky high and the numbers keep increasing. So, the question is, should child care be free?

I believe that child care should be free IF the mother or father are working. Personally, I worked at a daycare that offered free care to children who had parents with little or no income, yet they would not be working. They would drop of their child every day, five days a week, and go back home to do what they wanted to do with no responsibilities. Therefore, if child care were to be free for all low income families, I believe this problem would increase everywhere in the United States, and that is where I start my argument.

Daycares supply everything a child needs, for example, diapers, formula, food, etc. Some parents try to take advantage of that and bring their child early in the morning and don't pick them up until right before the building closes. This would be okay if one of the parents had long shifts from early in the morning to late in the afternoon. But I do not believe a parent should receive free day care if they are not trying to provide for their child. There could be other reasons why families do not work. Someone could have a disability, could be sick, or no transportation. This would be okay if paperwork was shown to the daycare to let them know.

The Child Care and Development Fund helps pay for child care to low income families who are working, work-related training, or in school. I believe this fund needs to stay because these families are trying to build a life for their children. If we were to give up on the fund, it would be unfair to the families who are trying and an advantage to the families who aren't.

Overall, I do believe child care should be free if the parents put in an effort. Daycares put in a lot of effort to make sure children get the right food and education they need. The government should not give families free money just to take advantage of it.


Geovani Romero said…
On July 27, 2017, my classmate Alexis Lopez wrote a blog in favor of Free child care. She states that the primary reason she believes that this should be free is that there is a lot of children who have young parents and there is so many who have low or no income at all. Alexis argued that the government should provide free child care but only to those who would qualify for it and not just to those who want to take advantage of it. I personally agree and believe that all the arguments my classmate made were good and had good reasoning behind them.
Overall, this is a topic that can be a bit controversy because while, I agree with my classmate and she happens to have very good information to back up her arguments I also believe that if people know that they are not good economically then why not wait to have a child once both people are stabled. I understand that things happen and sometimes it is not something that is plan but rather something that just happens when one least expects it. I also think that if child care were to be free that not everyone should be able to qualify for it. There should be a method like doing a background check and seeing if the parents work or not and if they do seeing how much income they are bringing into the house also looking into the household and see how many other children the parents have to take care of. I just think that everything like this should be taken into consideration for something like this. Another argument my classmate Alexis Lopez made was that "Daycares supply everything a child needs, for example, diapers, formula, food, etc. Some parents try to take advantage of that and bring their child early in the morning and don't pick them up until right before the building closes." This argument is a good example of why the government should consider the people who apply for free child care in order for people not to take advantage of it.
Princess H said…
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Princess H said…
On July 27, my colleague Ms.Lopez posted an article about her views on free childcare. She feels that "child care should be free if the the mother or father are working" she then goes on to talk about her personal experience of working at a daycare that provided free childcare to low-income families. She later brings up the Child Care and Development Fund and explains how it "helps pay for child care to low-income families who are working, work-related training, or in school." Ms.Lopez feels that to the fund should stay and that it wouldn't be right to "give up on the fund."

I personally agree with Ms.Lopez 's argument about free child care. That's mainly because I feel that free child care would help low-income families get on their feet. Without free child care, many parents that can not afford daycare would have to take off of work to watch their kids, which would lead to them losing money from missing work. I also agree with Ms. Lopez because I feel that free child care would help parents be able to provide a better life for them and their children, parents would be able to work more and wouldn't have to worry about the safety of their child.

Overall, I believe my colleague made an interesting argument about a topic that a lot of people don't talk about. I feel that people should talk about things such as free child care and how it would help people and children in America.

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