Blog Stage 6 Assignment

On July 26, 2017, my classmate Geovani Romero posted a blog in favor of legalizing marijuana. Mr. Romero explains that "marijuana is an effective treatment for curing people with a hard drug addiction and it also helps to reduce drugs and alcohol abuse." This is one of the explanations Romero has on legalizing marijuana, and I agree with him 100%.

I believe that if cigarettes and alcohol are legal, then marijuana should be too. There is no prove that marijuana can kill you later on, but everyone knows we can get alcohol poisoning, or lung cancer. As my classmate explains, "it can be used for medical use, as well as many other uses." Medical marijuana helps patients with cancer, auto immune diseases, and many other diagnosis's. People with anxiety could use it to calm their symptoms and make them feel more safe around their environment. Some people are afraid of what is around them, and I believe marijuana could calm nerves.

Romero also says "it should not be a government issue" and I totally agree. If we were to legalize marijuana, our government would be receiving a lot of money. Texas is a huge state, and we see on the news that people are doing drugs and selling it, but we would not have that problem anymore if the money went to the government. More hospitals would have supplies for it and more patients with their disorders could come in and buy some. Our government would earn a lot of money legalizing marijuana, and a lot of people already do it, so that means more money.

Overall, I agree with my classmate Geovani Ramero. Marijuana is not bad for you, and like Ramero said, "everyone knows or at least should know that smoking marijuana is not toxic to the brain and does no damage like other drugs do." Marijuana is not like cocaine, or heroin, not even like cigarettes. Our government would do a lot better money wise by legalizing marijuana.


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