Can Trump turn around his struggling presidency?

On July 16th, 2017, USA today posted an article called "Analysis: at the sixth-month milestone, can Trump turn around his struggling presidency?" This article discusses on how President Donald Trump is not holding on to his promises to the United States. Trump was constantly making promises to his voters on how America was going to be great again, yet not one of his agendas have fallen through. As you may know, one of the biggest promises Trump constantly repeated was to build a wall across the Mexican Border. Trump had a way with words who made a lot of voters believe in him, yet a lot of sources are beginning to believe that half of his promises will not make it. Also, Trump has shown to be on social media a lot expressing how he feels. When he lashes out, he goes onto social media where everyone can see. The article focuses on how Trump does not know how to handle serious cases like Russia since Trump has no military experience. It also focuses on how there has not been any discipline in the white house since Trump has became president, and that should be a worry for our country.

I would recommend this article because it has different view points on our president not doing what he has promised. It shows how our president cannot handle tough situations and that it should be concerning to us. We need to know more about how Trump is doing as president and this article shows that he is not the president we thought he would be.


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