
Blog 8 Assignment

On August 3, 2017, my classmate Lauren posted a blog over the death penalty . Lauren explains how the death penalty can be beneficial to our court systems and how it is actually a good thing to have, and I agree with her. The death penalty does not always sound like a good idea, but Lauren gives good arguments on how it is. Lauren first gives an example about the "1996 case when Damon Thibodeaux confesses to rape and murder and was sentenced to death." She then explains how later on the court looked over his case while in prison and was actually innocent and sent free. Dramatic cases like this one is more likely to be heard and further investigated. Not a lot of cases end with the death penalty, but when some do, the media and court are more likely to keep an interest with it. I believe Lauren is correct when saying "if Thibodeaux was sentenced to life in prison, his case would not have been looked into as intensively." The death penalty is a rare punishment, thi...

Blog 7 Assignment

On August 2, 2017, the Opinion Page from Los Angeles Times posted an article "Does carrying a gun make you safer? No. In fact, right-to-carry laws increase violent crime" by Patt Morrison. This article explains that the right-to-carry law has made violence happen more frequently than before the law was passed. Morrison uses Texas as an example, he explains that in 1996 before the law was adopted, violent crimes were only at 6%, now throughout the years, the percentage has gone up 15% more. Morrison explains that having a gun makes people believe they are capable of doing anything with it. This could be why crime have gone up extremely high, not only in Texas, but all 50 states. I personally believe the right-to-carry law has its pros and cons. Having a gun does make people feel safe, but a lot of things could happen to make people feel more unsafe. Reasons for this law being a good thing, is because if a woman lived at home by herself, she would feel more protected to kno...

Blog Stage 6 Assignment

On July 26, 2017, my classmate Geovani Romero posted a blog in favor of legalizing marijuana . Mr. Romero explains that "marijuana is an effective treatment for curing people with a hard drug addiction and it also helps to reduce drugs and alcohol abuse." This is one of the explanations Romero has on legalizing marijuana, and I agree with him 100%. I believe that if cigarettes and alcohol are legal, then marijuana should be too. There is no prove that marijuana can kill you later on, but everyone knows we can get alcohol poisoning, or lung cancer. As my classmate explains, "it can be used for medical use, as well as many other uses." Medical marijuana helps patients with cancer, auto immune diseases, and many other diagnosis's. People with anxiety could use it to calm their symptoms and make them feel more safe around their environment. Some people are afraid of what is around them, and I believe marijuana could calm nerves. Romero also says "it should...

Blog Assignment 5

Today, our generation has a tremendous amount of young mothers and fathers who have low income. The percentage of children who have young parents are sky high and the numbers keep increasing. So, the question is, should child care be free? I believe that child care should be free IF the mother or father are working. Personally, I worked at a daycare that offered free care to children who had parents with little or no income, yet they would not be working. They would drop of their child every day, five days a week, and go back home to do what they wanted to do with no responsibilities. Therefore, if child care were to be free for all low income families, I believe this problem would increase everywhere in the United States, and that is where I start my argument. Daycares supply everything a child needs, for example, diapers, formula, food, etc. Some parents try to take advantage of that and bring their child early in th...

Blog Assignment 4

On July 21, 2017, the Opinions Page on Washington Post  posted an article called " Attacks on American Muslims are un-American. Under Trump they're on the rise " by Khizr Khan. This article explains different situations dealing with Muslims and other minorities facing assault for their religion or race. The article discusses how harassment has gotten worse since President Donald Trump took the chair. In a study, his first 10 days of being President caused 867 harassment incidents. Also, the number of anti-Muslim hate group rose from 34 in 2015, to 101 in 2016 with a 57 percent increase. Khan says in Virginia, where she lives, a Muslim teenager was killed last month while walking with friends. We have been set to believe that all Muslims are bad and we should do something about it, but there are innocent people trying to live their lives but can't because there is always someone causing trouble. Some minorities are scared to leave the house because of what they see ...

Blog Stage Three Assignment

On July 20, 2017, The Opinion Page on New York Times  posted an article called "Trump Is His Own Worst Enemy" by Charles M. Blow.  Blow makes different arguments on how President Donald Trump does not care enough for our country. He first explains that Trump never plans ahead before making his decisions. The Republicans and Donald Trump wanted to replace The Affordable Care Act without having any plans on how to do it. Some people were waiting for this to happen but since there was no effort in making this decision happen, they simply ignored it. When publishers would ask about it, Trump would constantly repeat himself about details that did not exist. I can agree with this statement because I have watched the news and have seen Trump repeat himself multiple times when he has nothing else to say. I don't know if it's because he is in the process of making decisions happen, or if he really does not know what to do. Another statement that Blow ma...

Can Trump turn around his struggling presidency?

On July 16th, 2017, USA today  posted an article called "Analysis: at the sixth-month milestone, can Trump turn around his struggling presidency?"  This article discusses on how President Donald Trump is not holding on to his promises to the United States. Trump was constantly making promises to his voters on how America was going to be great again, yet not one of his agendas have fallen through. As you may know, one of the biggest promises Trump constantly repeated was to build a wall across the Mexican Border. Trump had a way with words who made a lot of voters believe in him, yet a lot of sources are beginning to believe that half of his promises will not make it. Also, Trump has shown to be on social media a lot expressing how he feels. When he lashes out, he goes onto social media where everyone can see. The article focuses on how Trump does not know how to handle serious cases like Russia since Trump has no military experience. It ...